
Panic Attack: Three Days: Maps, I Need Maps

Although I am a procrastinator I do have standards: I feel that nothing helps sell a scene as much as a nice looking map.

RPG Mapshare is a wonderful place for finding all sorts of maps. Including this Camp 1 which would be good for setting an ambush scene.

Dungjinni is a nice application for doing pretty maps fairly quickly and has a fantastic user community that is continually producing mind blowing art. With a bit of quick searching I found this map that I can use for the nest/temple transition. Here is one for a deeper forest encounter. Given that I have un-exercised drawing talent that is not quite up to stick figures I managed to produce this in about 15 min using the stock art that comes with Dungjinni.

There is also the Cartographers Guild that appears to have a wealth of ready to use maps and more mapping tips than you can shake a stick at (though you will need a login to see many of them).



    Unfortunately, my players will vilify you for decades to come :)

  2. Always happy to help. I also be intrested in finding other sources of quick maps.
    If you dig into Dungjinni's forum Please DO NOT MISS the dungeon crawl classics maps (esp Crypt of the Devil Lich). The art was good enough that Goodman Games gave cart blanch for reproducing their published maps.
