Taking a dose of my own medicine I will now create a dungeon in 45 min using
Asmor to help me build encounters and select treasure lots.
So starting with the Treasure lots:
- [Level 5 Magic Item]: Bloodthread Armor +1 (Player's Handbook, page 227 (Magic Armor))
- [Level 4 Magic Item]: Bloodcut Armor +1 (Player's Handbook, page 227 (Magic Armor))
- [Level 3 Magic Item]: Eladrin Armor +1 (Player's Handbook, page 230 (Magic Armor))
- [Level 2 Magic Item]: Resounding Weapon +1 (Player's Handbook, page 236 (Magic Weapons))
- [201.6 gp]: 198 gp, 27 sp, 90 cp
- [180 gp]: 75 gp, 47 sp, 30 cp + 1 peridot (100 gp)
- [122.4 gp]: 17 gp, 45 sp, 90 cp + 1 moonstone (100 gp)
- [122.4 gp]: 120 gp, 19 sp, 50 cp
- [57.6 gp]: 51 gp, 57 sp, 90 cp
- [43.2 gp]: 34 gp, 84 sp, 80 cp
Now to pick
encounters: (I am limiting the sources to just the monster manual for simplicity).
Encounter 1: level 1, 375 xp
| Elf Archer | Level 2 Artillery | 125 | Monster Manual, page 106 (Elf) |
1 | Human Bandit | Level 2 Skirmisher | 125 | Monster Manual, page 162 (Human) |
Note: The bandit is playing a delaying tatict, trying to keep the PC's off the archers, so he will flee from the Melee opponents and close with ranged attackers when ever possible. The terrain should be filled with obsticals that provide cover, the archers should be located behind concealment and spread out.
Treasure: Lot #10.
Encounter 2: Level 1, 500 xp
4 | Goblin Sharpshooter | Level 2 Artillery | 125 | Monster Manual, page 137 (Goblin) |
Note: the goblins should be equal distance from the group at start but in opposite corners.
Treasure: Lot #9
Encounter 3: Level 1, 525 xp
3 | Kruthik Young | Level 2 Brute | 125 | Monster Manual, page 170 (Kruthik) |
1 | Pseudodragon | Level 3 Lurker | 150 | Monster Manual, page 91 (Drake) |
Note: Intererior encounter with high celings, the Kruthik Young conduct a straight up attack against the nearest opponent, while the pseudodragon does flyby attacks on ranged attackers and spell casters.
Treasure: Lot #4
Encounter 4: Level 1, 524 xp
4 | Kobold Slinger | Level 1 Artillery | 100 | Monster Manual, page 168 (Kobold) |
4 | Kruthik Hatchling | Level 2 Minion | 31 | Monster Manual, page 170 (Kruthik) |
Note: The hungry hatchlings disperse through the party as quicly as possible, The slingers, in two groups of two, evade melee combat as long as possible, trying to pin the party down with special shots (one glue, 2 fire each).
Treasure: none.
Encounter 5: Level 2, 600 xp
2 | Guard Drake | Level 2 Brute | 125 | Monster Manual, page 90 (Drake) |
1 | Gnome Arcanist | Level 3 Controller (Leader) | 150 | Monster Manual, page 134 (Gnome) |
2 | Fire Beetle | Level 1 Brute | 100 | Monster Manual, page 30 (Beetle) |
Note: Interior encounter; The PC's will first see the Gnome Arcanist, and when they are close enough will fire off his illusinary terrain (standard action), followed by a Fey Step to move into position while the brutes attack. From there she will unleash scintalting bolts(standard) at the melee combatants, and Startling Gamor (minor) to pack in straglers, or keep PC's away from her. The fire beetles will lead with their fire spray and when ever it recharges.
Treasure: Lot #3 and lot #8
Encounter 6: Level 2, 675 xp
3 | Ettercap Fang Guard | Level 4 Skirmisher | 175 | Monster Manual, page 107 (Ettercap) |
1 | Imp | Level 3 Lurker | 150 | Monster Manual, page 63 (Devil) |
Note: The Ettercaps' will try to entagle then bite, or strike while the imp (supervisor to the gnome in Encounter 5), will on alternating rounds vanish (standard)/fly (move) or Bite (standard)/Fly (move) to keep its wereabouts unknown.
Treasure: None
Encounter 7: Level 4, 850 xp
4 | Doppelganger Sneak | Level 3 Skirmisher | 150 | Monster Manual, page 71 (Doppelganger) |
1 | Shadar-kai Gloomblade | Level 6 Lurker | 250 | Monster Manual, page 230 (Shadar-Kai) |
Note: Initaly the doppelgangers will appear as helpless individuals to try and draw the party in, at which point they will initate the attack. Otherwise they will work in pairs to attempt to flank a single PC so that they get extra damage. The gloomblade will use its Veil of Shadows and Gloom strike to try and blind melee combatants until bloodied, then it will make use single use of it's shadow jaunt power to try and flank with a doppelganger on a bloodied target.
Treasure: The gloomblade wields Lot #1, with lot #7 and #6 on their persons.
Encounter 8: Level 2, 657 xp
3 | Phantom Warrior | Level 4 Soldier | 175 | Monster Manual, page 116 (Ghost) |
1 | Hobgoblin Warcaster | Level 3 Controller (Leader) | 150 | Monster Manual, page 140 (Goblin) |
Note: The phantom warriors will attempt to disperse amonst the PC to maximize their Phantom Tatics ability. Mean while the Hobgoblin warcaster will close with the artillery and use Force Lure to keep melee combatants packed in with the Phantom Warriors or Force Pulse to knock them down (as he is able to), other wise he will bludgeon ranged attackers with excessive glee (leading with Shockstaff).
Treasure: Lot #6 and Lot #5.
Major Quest: Level 1, 500 xp and Treasure Lot #2.
This gives us a total of 5,206 xp's.
It took just over 2 hours to do including formating.
Now to create the actual adventure...